Why Is Productivity Important (and What to Do Differently)

Why Is Productivity Important (and What to Do Differently)

Everything you want to achieve comes down to being productive. Whether at work or home, your productivity level will dictate the decisions you make, the people you associate with, how you handle setbacks, and how you view your potential. It is the ultimate output of your life.

Is Productivity Really Important for Success?

When we think of productivity, we often associate it with motivation, procrastination, and goals. Productivity is a hodge-podge term that correlates with being a successful person. We equate success in life to being highly productive, achieving goals, making lots of money, and mastering our destiny.

But if productivity is the key to success, why do we often find ourselves in a constant battle with it? What are the barriers that prevent us from reaching our full potential? And perhaps most importantly, how can you truly master the art of productivity

Being Intentional with Time

Part of the recipe for productivity is being intentional with your time. It doesn’t matter who you are—you will have to make decisions, which means cutting out other possibilities, taking risks, and constantly putting yourself in a position where you might fail. 

Being productive is about being open to consistent failure because, without it, we wouldn’t be able to test our ideas, carve out our unique path, adapt to situations, and see what sticks in the world.

Productivity Reflects Your Perspective

Being productive is a crucial skill because it influences your perspective on life. Your belief in yourself and what you see is possible paints the picture of your reality. 

Being productive reflects your perspective, worldview, and beliefs. It’s how you say YES to possibilities. Things to consider:

  • How creative do you think you are?
  • How well do you make decisions?
  • How well do you pivot?
  • How well do you handle conflicts?
  • How open are you to new ideas?

Your answer to these questions says a lot about how productive you are personally and professionally. 

Personal and Professional Productivity

We tend to be more detailed and specific, even hardcore, about our work schedules but don’t put that same intention behind our personal productivity. Part of what we are missing in our approach to being productive is looking at each area of our lives and taking a holistic view. 

Too often, we focus on what is urgent or what pays us money but don’t prioritize what pays us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Being genuinely productive is more than just reaching goals with our business. Work is a dominant force, but we have to make time to develop each dimension of our life behind our job.

We are more than the money we make or title—we are mothers, fathers, children, members of a community, citizens, and spiritual beings living in a world of endless energy. Finding the balance between practical things like paying mortgages, raising kids, getting promoted, launching a business, staying healthy, and having fun is the hallmark of productive individuals.

So what do we do about it?

Iteration and Intervals

Our personal energy ebbs and flows, so it’s not reliable. Because of its volatility, we have to find a better way to create predictability in an unpredictable world. Buying clear with our actions, using timed intervals, is the magic bullet to help you focus on the present and gives you superhuman clarity. 

Iteration is a key concept to designing your day around what is most important. We will have to tackle boring and mundane tasks to reach our goals, but using timed intervals gives us both focus to perform decisively and relief when the time is over.

We have to give ourselves space to breathe in between working and thinking. Burnout is a real thing that leads to lost focus, procrastination, bad attitudes, and excuses.

Aligning Thoughts and Actions

We will never be perfect, but pursuing perfection is a worthy goal. Like organizing our home to perfection, we can do well by organizing our minds. Actions aligned with those thoughts will follow.

We are a walking experiment, adapting, evolving—becoming bigger and stronger—if we choose it. Instead of waiting for a “better” opportunity, iterate your way along your path. Break down your big goals into smaller ones, tackling the ones in iteration. Taking a bite-sized approach to your product activity will help you stay motivated and not lose sight of your objectives. 

The Productive State of Mind

When you feel like you can handle any obstacle, challenge, or situation, you are naturally inspired. Looking at the world positively influences those around you and is a sign that you are a highly productive person. Being a rock, no matter the battle or circumstance will help inspire you to take more risks, make decisions in the face of uncertainty, and feel grateful for the good you have in your life.

While we may not always get the results that we want, any wholehearted attempt at achievement is never wasted. Failures can be heartbreaking, but looking at each one as a lesson will ensure that you have a productive state of mind that serves your unique goals, desires, and what you want to achieve in the world.

Final Thoughts

Productivity is more than just achieving goals; it’s a reflection of who you are and your approach to life. Can you adapt and grow? Can you rise to the challenges that fall on your path?

By managing your time intentionally, balancing all areas of life, and maintaining a positive, resilient mindset, you can enhance your productivity and achieve more with your time.

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Empowering Organizations with Custom Learning Solutions

Empowering Organizations with Custom Learning Solutions

With custom learning initiatives, organizations face the constant challenge of staying ahead, adapting to change, and maximizing the potential of their workforce. To address these needs, developing campaigns using authoring tools like Hermann can drive performance and achieve tangible results for enterprises looking for effective learning options. 

With a wealth of experience, a passion for excellence, and an unmatched creative approach, PMG custom learning solutions empower organizations to implement their most critical business initiatives. 

In this article, you’ll learn why PMG’s performance consulting, learning implementation, and video production service have made them a trusted learning partner for organizations like Boeing, Guidehouse, and the US Navy.

Custom Learning Solutions Process

A strategic partnership with organizations to effectively identify and address learning needs is the core approach to PMG’s performance consulting. Organizations looking for custom learning solutions will benefit from the following: 

1. Curriculum Design: Collaboratively establishing what learning programs need to be developed, reused, and modified to ensure learning initiatives are aligned with organizational goals and deliver maximum impact.

2. Rapid Design: Streamlining course design through a focused, collaborative approach that creates synergy, establishes consensus and reduces cycle time. Organizations can adapt swiftly to changing business demands and deliver timely learning solutions.

3. Job/Skills Task Analysis: Conducting a comprehensive job/skills task analysis to document the skills and knowledge required for optimal job performance. Understanding the intricacies of successful job performance is critical. This analysis forms the foundation for targeted learning interventions.

4. Competency Models: Defining competency models that guide curriculum development and performance measurement. Organizations can ensure a consistent and targeted approach to skill development by aligning learning initiatives with competencies.

Design and Development Tailored to Your Needs

Learning solutions should be tailored to your organization’s unique requirements, ensuring relevance and alignment with business objectives. The capabilities of your learning partner should span a wide range of modalities and technologies:

1. Blended Learning: Combining the best online and in-person training, creating engaging and interactive experiences for learners.

2. eLearning/Mobile Learning: eLearning and mobile learning solutions that offer unparalleled flexibility and accessibility and empower learners to engage at their own pace, anytime, anywhere.

3. Traditional and Virtual Instructor-led Training: Designing both traditional and virtual instructor-led training programs that create engaging experiences that promote effective knowledge transfer and skill development.

4. Business Simulations: Immersive learning experiences that allow learners to practice and apply their skills in realistic scenarios. This hands-on approach enhances the retention and application of knowledge.

5. Microlearning Video Solutions: Recognizing the power of microlearning, PMG leverages video production services to create bite-sized learning modules that deliver targeted information, fostering continuous learning and knowledge retention.

Supporting Your Learning Journey

To maximize the value delivered to clients, PMG Learning Solutions offers additional support services that complement their core offerings:

1. Facilitation and Train-the-Trainer Services: PMG provides expert facilitation and train-the-trainer services to ensure seamless classroom and virtual instructor-led training delivery. This enhances the effectiveness of the learning experience and enables organizations to build internal training capabilities.

2. Translation and Globalization Services: With a global outlook, PMG tailors learning programs to diverse audiences worldwide. Their translation and globalization services ensure that learning content resonates with learners in different cultures and languages.

3. Learning Management Systems (LMS) Integration and Consulting: PMG assists organizations in optimizing their learning management systems, ensuring they fully leverage the capabilities of their systems to enable organizations to manage, deliver, and track their learning initiatives effectively.

Thought Leadership

PMG Learning Solutions sets itself apart by actively contributing to thought leadership in the learning and development industry. Their position papers provide insights into contemporary learning topics, offering valuable perspectives and guidance. 

Some notable topics include the 70-20-10 Model for Learning and Development, mobile learning, agile instructional design (ADDIE Agile), flipped classrooms, micro-learning, rapid instructional systems design, virtual instructor-led training, and content curation.

Custom Learning Solution Powered by PMG

PMG Learning Solutions is a trusted partner for organizations seeking to implement critical business initiatives through custom learning solutions. Their expertise in performance consulting, learning implementation, and video production brings unparalleled creativity, award-winning design, and more than two decades of experience to every engagement. 

By driving informed learning solutions, designing tailored programs, supporting implementation, and providing thought leadership, PMG helps organizations maximize their training budgets and unlock the full potential of their workforce.


I help teams blend the art and science of productivity at work and in their personal lives. Need help defining your organization’s training strategy? Contact me for a free strategy session.

Rethinking Healthcare Corporate Learning

In this post, I share the challenges of traditional training and explore innovative tools that improve corporate learning for healthcare professionals…

Empowering Organizations with Custom Learning Solutions

Organizations looking for custom learning solutions will benefit from the approach outlined in this article to stay ahead and maximize their training budgets.


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Productivity Strategies to Improve Your Daily Process

Rethinking Healthcare Corporate Learning

Rethinking Healthcare Corporate Learning

In healthcare, the time and money invested to train staff to use and manage patient data within Electronic Health Records systems is tremendous.

EHRs can potentially improve patient care but also present significant challenges, particularly in training healthcare professionals to utilize these tools efficiently.

According to Amanda Parsons, M.D., M.B.A., “…transitioning to an EHR is like agreeing to be a triathlete—it’s ultimately great for you, but you have to commit to serious and ongoing training.”

In this post, I’ll cover common pitfalls of traditional training methods and explore innovative tools like Hermann that drastically improve corporate learning and retention for healthcare professionals.  

The Limitations of Traditional Formal Training

One of the primary bottlenecks in healthcare training is the inadequacy of traditional methods. 

Many professionals, seasoned and just entering their fields, grapple with outdated training approaches that fail to meet their needs. With its fixed schedules and theoretical orientation, the conventional classroom setting often fails to provide practical, application-oriented learning experiences that allow learners to apply their skills. 

Traditional training methods struggle to accommodate individuals’ diverse learning speeds and preferences. This one-size-fits-all approach leaves many learners frustrated and disengaged, ultimately hindering their ability to absorb and apply essential knowledge. 

And as we’ll see—even if the format aligns with the learned temperament, students will forget most of the material in a classroom setting. 

The 70-20-10 Model: A Paradigm Shift in Training

To address these challenges, organizations must embrace a paradigm shift in their approach to training. 

The 70-20-10 model offers a compelling framework for designing more dynamic and effective learning experiences. This model emphasizes the importance of experiential learning (70%), exposure to peers (20%), and formal training (10%) in driving professional development.

By prioritizing hands-on experience and peer interaction, healthcare organizations can create a more engaging and impactful learning environment. Employees gain valuable insights by applying newly acquired knowledge directly to their roles and leveraging the expertise of their colleagues.

The Forgetting Curve: A Barrier to Learning

The 70-20-10 model is a step in the right direction, but no matter how brilliantly designed the course material is, it still runs up against a hard wall: The Forgetting Curve

Research shows that without proper reinforcement, learners forget up to 90% of newly acquired information within a week. This underscores the urgent need for strategies to enhance knowledge retention and application. What is alarming about this statistic is that science proves that most training budgets are wasted on expensive and ineffective training programs. 

So, how does an organization design course material to overcome the forgetting curve and ensure high retention levels of the material?

Innovative Solutions for Effective Corporate Training

To overcome the forgetting curve and maximize learning outcomes, healthcare organizations must adopt innovative training solutions. Three key strategies stand out:

Spaced Repetition: Breaks down information into smaller doses and reinforces it over time, which can significantly improve retention. By recalling information frequently, learners deepen their understanding and retain knowledge more effectively.

Microlearning: Delivering content in bite-sized nuggets allows learners to focus on specific topics and absorb information more efficiently. Microlearning complements spaced repetition by providing short, targeted learning experiences that promote retention and application.

Mobile-Friendly Delivery: Training content must be accessible across multiple devices to accommodate diverse learning preferences. Mobile-friendly platforms ensure employees can engage with training materials anytime, anywhere, enhancing flexibility and convenience.

Harnessing Technology for Enhanced Learning

Innovative technologies such as Hermann offer a comprehensive solution for healthcare organizations seeking to enhance their training programs. By integrating spaced repetition and microlearning into a user-friendly platform, Hermann enables organizations to deliver personalized and engaging training experiences to help employees maximize their EHR. 

By harnessing the power of technology, organizations can empower their employees to acquire and retain essential knowledge, driving improved patient outcomes and organizational success.

Final Thoughts

By recognizing the limitations of traditional approaches and embracing innovative solutions, organizations can empower their workforce to thrive in an increasingly complex and dynamic environment. 

Training courses designed by industry experts and paired with tools like Hermann or a winning combination for better performance for physicians and administrators alike. 

Contact me for a strategy session if you want to get the most out of your corporate training. 

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Productivity Strategies to Improve Your Daily Process

What Streaming 29K Minutes of Music on Spotify Taught Me

What Streaming 29K Minutes of Music on Spotify Taught Me

It’s been a challenging year.

I’ve done more than I ever have and also have been lazier than ever. The ebb and flow of my attention and focus has been like the dog from Up.

Can you relate?

Do you wonder which social media platform you should focus on? Where are your people? How can you connect with them? 

I was recently impressed with the level of detail in Spotify Wrapped. Man o man, how cool is that? 

It’s a custom-tailored content frenzy about my listening habits, even with a musical personality type akin to the Myers Briggs assessment.

Spotify Wrapped Content 

Is there any content that is more personal and shareable at the same time? Every screen is noteworthy, stroking your ego while giving you multiple options of content to share.

This is an interesting concept of companies generating content for their users to share with their audience. It’s self-promotion and advertising at the same time.

But it’s a win-win and feels OOO so good.

They feel honorable in the experience they provide. They make it about delivering the best possible music experience, and they take it further by adding personality and emotion.

Spotify is a brand that has it right. They make oodles of money, but they put their users first, and all of the AI and custom-curated playlists make me come back every hour of the day. 

Music Colors the Past and Present 

I listened to over 2.7K artists and streamed 29K minutes of music.

I’m a musician, so I get a lot emotionally from playing and listening to music. It’s cathartic to do both. Even with my songs, though, they can be a bittersweet time capsule taking you right back to where you were emotionally when hearing a piece of music. 

There are some artists like Tycho and Tone Ranger that I listen to over and over again, and the emotional center of the music changes as I do.

Understanding and connecting with your emotions is critical to making good music. But it can also be hard to dip into previous wounds or experiences. 

It is both a strength and weakness that can lead to overthinking, living in the past, and not being grateful for the experience of the living, breathing present moment.

Meditating with a Buddhist Monk

I always go back to the ancients who have mastered their emotions. They do it not by denying or submerging their emotions in the wells of their minds but by embracing them as they happen. 

Emotions, especially triggered by music and past experiences, are visceral, bringing up those moments in time with the same feelings and biases. 

Not long ago, I meditated at the local Buddhist temple. They asked if I wanted to talk with the monk.

Naturally, I said yes.

When I walked up the stairs and sat in front of this rather younger-looking monk, I noticed that he was smiling and didn’t seem to be removed from the emotional experience of mere mortals like myself. 

From how I remember it, he told me to bring my mind back when other thoughts come up. It’s not hard but very simple. Bring yourself back to the present moment when your thoughts and emotions lead you astray. It’s a constant practice and does get easier, but no one is free of it.

Returning to the Present Moment

Everyone must come back to the present moment. There’s no other magic about it than that. A level of effort will always be required, no matter how skilled you become. 

Spotify has been great at helping me connect to the past, but next year, I plan to use the ever-flowing music stream not to dip back into past pains but return to the present experience.

Here is some piano music that I recorded a while back. I don’t promote my music, but if you find yourself in a quite space, I hope this helps you relax and connect. Enjoy!

How to Be Creative in Art

How to Be Creative in Art

When you’re not as creative as you’d like to be, you’re likely comparing yourself to something or someone with the expectation of results.

You don’t think you’re a real artist because so-and-so is so much better—they’ve done more pieces, more shows, and made more money from their work.

It’s great to sell paintings for thousands of dollars, but most people who want to know how to be more creative are not trying to be professional artists. 

If you’re a working artist, your level of creativity has higher stakes since it’s the source of your livelihood, but the weekend artist can get creative blocks for the same reasons as the pro. 

If you want to know how to be creative in art, understand it has nothing to do with your work but everything to do with what’s going on in your head.

Doing Art the “Right” Way

Many people have a hard time with the word creativity. When you pair it with art, it gets even more complicated. 

Being creative is a matter of perspective, choice, and even courage. What we tell ourselves about what we’re doing (or not doing) is what opens or closes the door to inspiration. 

Somewhere down the line, we think it has to be done this way or that. We have to use oil because all the greats used oil. Or we have to use acrylics or think watercolors are not as professional.

Interesting Read: How to Get Answers from Your Subconscious Mind

We tell ourselves the strangest things that have very little to do with being creative. When someone looks from the outside, they see you’ve made something they either like or don’t. 

They don’t really care what you used to make it. They might ask questions about technique and medium, but the impression is what matters. Did it make an impact? 

The subjective beauty of art on the viewer matters most—and it has nothing to do with you.

Day Design Free Video Course

Art of Creativity

What is the nature of art and creativity? Should an artist have a goal? 

The art of creativity is experimentation—and that’s what we forget. We get lost in what we want to do and get into a pattern of expectations. 

The joy of art is creating something that makes you happy, but we also want it to matter to someone else. Artists want to paint a piece that makes someone cry because it reminds them of their significant other or long-forgotten memory. 

It’s that very goal to create an experience that eats creativity—instead of creating, we hope we create something worthy. If you want to be more creative, you have to remove that pressure. 

The tools, the size of the canvas, the quality of the paints, the style, the comparison to other artists… None of it matters. The goal shouldn’t be a specific tool or outcome but something else entirely. 

As an artist, you do have to be open to other perspectives, and you have to be critical of your work, but you also have to be willing to experiment. Not everyone who does art is good, but anyone can embody the spirit of experimentation that creates good art.  

Our willingness to experiment is what makes us creative. The faster we get back to that focus and drop the expectations and pressure to create experiences, the more creative we will be.

Ways to Be More Artistic

One of the best ways I’ve found to be artistic is to forget about judgment. 

When we were kids, we didn’t care if something was good or not. We didn’t care about the results or what others thought. We made things because it was fun. Curiosity guided our actions.  

If you can forget about the results, outcomes, and all that loaded shit that triggers you, you’ll start having fun again. Without fun, you can’t be creative. And that’s just it—we spend our time forcing a situation that can never be forced. 

Another way to look at it is acceptance of what is instead of what we want it to be. 

Whenever I start a new piece, my benchmark is to create art without judgment. Some of the best work that I find myself is when I let go and don’t have anything in mind other than a desire to create.

I enjoy the experience, and it is fun. I’m not criticizing and judging along the way. I’m just experiencing it—experimenting—open to what I’m doing, and curious.

Cosmic Jazz_Painting_Jason Dzamba

Cosmic Jazz – 2022, acrylic on stretched canvas, 48″ X 72″

Going Inward 

If you start with the intention of creating a masterwork of art that you’ll sell for $10,000, those parameters will sabotage your creative spark. What if it doesn’t happen? That what-if will be the thesis of the artistic session. 

On the flip side, if you make your intention to learn something about yourself, experiment with colors, try new brushstrokes or try a different kind of paint, you’re open to whatever happens. 

If you remember back when you first started painting, you did it because you enjoyed the experience. If we had to describe this in terms of movement, it would be inward. 

When we have a creative block with our art, the pressure of achieving a result makes the process less enjoyable. What happened is that you changed your focus from inward to outward.

Being more artistic has everything to do with going inward. 

Creativity Painting Blocks

There are many times I want to paint, and the very idea creates a sense of dread. The pressure comes from wanting to paint something that someone else likes. 

Will they want to buy it, frame it, and put it on the wall in their multi-million dollar home? These are possibilities, but thoughts like these interfere with creativity. 

Cool video: Inuitive Art Journaling – Timebox

I’ve turned into a professional artist in less than a year. I’ve sold large paintings for thousands of dollars, which is something that friends and family didn’t think would be possible for me. 

With those kinds of outcomes, there’s a building pressure to do it consistently. This pressure knocks the basic instinct to create something without judgment offline. 

There are a few things you can do when this happens. 

Tips in Creativity Painting

Change up the size of the canvas and flip the orientation. If you’re painting horizontally, change it up to vertical orientation. 

If you use an aisle or your canvas is mounted on a wall, throw the canvas on the ground. Attack it from every angle instead of one. You won’t get attached to any perspective and will let the painting emerge. 

If you primarily use oils, try using acrylics. If you use heavy body acrylics, incorporate fluid acrylics. Try different patterns, spreads, and textures. Let the paint dry for a bit and try something else.

If you only use a brush, don’t use it for the session. Use different tools like a palette knife, a squeegee, a sponge, and your hands. 

Be more curious about how you can create textures versus creating the next masterpiece. 

How will you mess with color? What happens when you mix different colors and then layer them using a different tool?  

It’s just an experiment. You’re the mad scientist. Change it up.

How to Increase Artistic Creativity

The pressure to create hangs over you all the time. We get overwhelmed because the possibilities are too much. 

A helpful way to increase artistic creativity is to use timed sessions. Creating that boundary, block of time, that slice of reality, will help you from procrastinating. 

Ironically, it’s constraints that open up our creativity.

Have set times that you will create art and for how long. Try once a day at 3 o’clock for an hour. Creating a schedule will help you focus because each session has a beginning and an end.

Related Read: How to Organize Your Goals Using Day Design

When we work within a boundary—a time frame using an interval—it’s easier to say yes to the activity. We get relief built-in. OK, I’m just doing this for an hour. You’ll be surprised at what happens.

Do that for a week and fine-tune it as you go. If you haven’t painted for a while, start creating a set time and duration. The beauty is that you’re in and out. It’s up to you for how long, but start small. 

Painting Mindset

Don’t say you’re going to paint every day for five hours—that’s just going to stress you the hell out. 

You’ll be sitting there like I need to be more creative, getting upset because you’re ruining expensive canvases. 

The trick is not to take a session too seriously. This is tough for professionals because their livelihood is on the line. 

Some canvases don’t work out. You paint it over and over and over again, but it’s still an ugly duckling. You can’t figure it out and wonder if the piece is cursed. 

That energy becomes a personality and stays in the painting. Give yourself permission to walk away from it and start something new. 

Experiment with two blank canvases. I like using large ones like 4’X6’. I’ll say, ok, I will paint for 90 minutes and create two pieces. I’ll give myself 45 minutes for each and see what happens. 

Maybe the first one doesn’t come out, or it’s just so so. Going into the second piece, I won’t care as much, and that’s the piece that turns out to be good in my book. 

You have to go through the crappy painting to get to the mental state where you can release yourself from the pressure of the outcome.