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What Productivity Fanatics Really Want

You’re here because you’re a fanatic about productivity. You’re die-hard about managing your life, and you know how important it is to achieve your big goals for yourself and your family. 

Your life’s work is your legacy. You can’t afford to get stuck, procrastinate, or give up when things get tough, so you constantly test what you do. You improve your process to succeed at being the master of your destiny.

It’s not only that you want to make a ton of money at work. You want it all—an amazing relationship, a healthy body, and a spiritual life full of depth. You want to be fulfilled and know your direction, fueled by an inspiring purpose. 

You want progress, forward movement, momentum, and freedom…but also peace, balance, and the calm that comes when you know you’re living your best life. 

You want financial and spiritual wealth. You want to be able to look at your bank account and in the mirror and be proud of your accomplishments. But that’s just the beginning. You’re called to do more. Your drive to reach your higher self is unparalleled. 

You know your journey will test you. You’ll have to try new things and step outside your comfort zone frequently. The path you’re on; few have ventured it. That’s why you’re committed to fine-tuning your purpose and vision to develop yourself into a productivity machine that inspires everyone around you.

You want to manage your time masterfully, with the grace and fluidity of a samurai, cutting down any obstacle that stands in the way of reaching your goals. You want to take over your little corner of the world. Build a community around your unique products and services, and create lasting impact. 

You want the freedom to do what you want and live by a different set of rules. In sum, you want to live life on your terms: be your own boss, make lots of money, and control your destiny.

What Gets in The Way (The Big Lie of Day Planning)

You’ve tried to create the perfect schedule using day planners, productivity apps, reminders and alarms—anything you can get your hands on—but instead of getting the results that you want, you feel like you’re a chicken running around with its head cut off.

Why is reaching goals so hard for highly productive people? It feels like the work never stops piling up. You get lost during the day, your head swirling with everything you need to do. You’re stressed and frustrated, questioning whether you can accomplish what you’re trying to do.   

It’s ok. It’s not your fault. 

The tools you’ve tried to use to reach your goals are flawed. They are built around the concept of “day planning,” but nobody has ever told you about the big lie about day planning. They don’t know either. 

Day Planning is the enemy that stands between you and your goals. Planners, apps, and tools like them are built upon the failed assumption that you need to plan every detail of your agenda and calendar to be on top of your game and be successful. It’s the big lie of being truly productive.

What happens when you use a day planning approach? 

You create bloated schedules that crowd the pages of your day planner, journals, stickies, all of the above. Everything looks urgent and important—raging fires that you feel compelled to put out, while slowly becoming unhinged. 

Instead of balance and peace of mind, you’re drowning in tasks. Looking at everything that you have to do adds to your anxiety. Can you get it all done, you ask yourself. You want to put your head down before you had your first sip of coffee. 

Deep down, you’ve been experiencing this for some time but couldn’t put your finger on the problem. But now you know—day planning can’t rise to the level that you’re trying to get on… 

Instead of being productive and feeling amazing about yourself, you’re stressed, frustrated, tired, irritated, confused, and are losing time. 

Worst of all, day planning makes you commit the great sin of productivity by blurring the lines between the goals that will build your legacy and minutiae—the errands, tasks, and chores of everyday life. 

Ironic, right? 

The spirally hell of day planning is where your goals go to die. 

You’ve been hunting for a silver lining away from it in many places, to no avail. You’ve even turned to project management apps you’ve used for managing team projects, but there’s no hope there, either. 

They are overkill for your personal projects. They are too complex and overloaded with features that you don’t need. 

The Shift to Goal Organizing

So, what’s the solution to the day planning problem? 

What would help is a minimal way to detangle the clutter and confusion of modern life. Something that would remove noise and distractions of competing priorities—that gives you the clarity to work deeply on your most important goals.

If there was a solution like that out there, it would have to be something simple and minimal that will keep you focused on the right priorities, that anyone can apply from day one, moment one. 

I have good news for you. 

It’s not going to be hard to be productive at the scale that is already written in your blood. All that you need to do is make a shift in how you approach achieving your goals. 

What you’ve been looking for is goal organizing

To be productive on the massive levels you want, you have to keep your strategy and tactics aligned. As soon as they get out of sync, your dreams are dead. 

The new opportunity for you is to stop day planning and start goal organizing

When you make this shift, everything will change for you in powerful ways. 

You’ll move away from planning every chaotic detail of your agenda to organizing the most essential elements. You keep your deep goals top of mind and know exactly what you need to do each day. You’ll be more intentional and focused with your time. 

You narrow your aim on what truly matters, knowing exactly what you want to achieve, why you want it, and the steps to get you there. You’ll strip back the stress and get to the heart of the matter.

Goal organizing is your ticket to exceptional productivity. 

When you try to do too much, you risk losing your focus and motivation, getting distracted, and losing sight of what you want to achieve, which is why you need to do less, not more.  

Goal organizing is that “less.” 

Part of where you’ve been getting stuck is that there are different goal types, which day planning doesn’t teach you. There is a way to work incrementally to create a cycle of progress that maintains your perspective on what you’re doing with wins built in.

Goal organizing is the difference between achieving your goals, feeling inspired every day, or putting your head down and giving up. If productivity is a church, then goal organizing is its savior.

The Sprint Goal Organizer

When you set priorities connected to your deepest goals, you remove the noise. You complete high-quality work when it matters, regardless of your emotions or environment. 

You see the connection between activities and your progress, and you stack them up day after day, hour after hour.  

Goal organizing allows you to live your goals. It keeps them top-of-mind, in their rightful place, far above the minutiae of daily errands, chores, and routine tasks.

I’ve taken 15+ of creative direction, project management experience, and research and developed a simple goal organization tool for productivity fanatics: The Sprint Goal Organizer. 

It’s built around proven agile project agile project management principles, lean, and Pomodoro techniques and is designed for personal goals and projects. It’s simple to apply and will give you an effective edge in achieving what is most important to you.  

You’re only one goal away!